

a set of diamond earrings

...a set of diamond earrings; and collections of natural pearl necklaces, brooches made of various precious stones, diamond stones ranging from ‧ carats to ‧ carats, gold handbags, and jewellery inherited from the claimant's grandfather, which included two gold wedding sets and numerous gold belts, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings 估价物品包括 ‧ 套珠宝,每一套包括一条项链、手镯、戒指和耳环,由钻石、蓝宝石、翡翠、绿宝石、红宝石和/或珍珠制作 ‧ 顶由钻石、红宝石、翡翠和/或其他宝石制作的金王冠 ‧ 个镶有钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石或翡翠的戒指,一个 ‧ 克拉单颗钻石的戒指,以及一个 ‧ 克拉卵形钻石戒指;一套钻石耳环;天然珍珠项链、各种宝石制作的胸针、 ‧ 克拉到 ‧ 克拉的钻石、金手袋藏品、以及索赔人从祖父继承的珠宝,包括 ‧ 套结婚金首饰和...
...a set of diamond earrings; and collections of natural pearl necklaces, brooches made of various precious stones, diamond stones ranging from ‧ carats to ‧ carats, gold handbags, and jewellery inherited from the claimant's grandfather, which included two gold wedding sets and numerous gold belts, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings 估价物品包括 ‧ 套珠宝,每一套包括一条项链、手镯、戒指和耳环,由钻石、蓝宝石、翡翠、绿宝石、红宝石和/或珍珠制作 ‧ 顶由钻石、红宝石、翡翠和/或其他宝石制作的金王冠 ‧ 个镶有钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石或翡翠的戒指,一个 ‧ 克拉单颗钻石的戒指,以及一个 ‧ 克拉卵形钻石戒指;一套钻石耳环;天然珍珠项链、各种宝石制作的胸针、 ‧ 克拉到 ‧ 克拉的钻石、金手袋藏品、以及索赔人从祖父继承的珠宝,包括 ‧ 套结婚金首饰和无数金条、手镯...
...a set of diamond earrings; and collections of natural pearl necklaces, brooches made of various precious stones, diamond stones ranging from ‧ carats to ‧ carats, gold handbags, and jewellery inherited from the claimant's grandfather, which included two gold wedding sets and numerous gold belts, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings 估价物品包括 ‧ 套珠宝,每一套包括一条项链、手镯、戒指和耳环,由钻石、蓝宝石、翡翠、绿宝石、红宝石和/或 珍珠 制作 ‧ 顶由钻石、红宝石、翡翠和/或其他宝石制作的金王冠 ‧ 个镶有钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石或翡翠的戒指,一个 ‧ 克拉单颗钻石的戒指,以及一个 ‧ 克拉卵形钻石戒指;一套钻石耳环;天然 珍珠 项链、各种宝石制作的胸针、 ‧ 克拉到 ‧ 克拉的钻石、金手袋藏品、以及索赔人从祖父继承的珠宝,包括 ‧ 套结婚金首饰和无...
...a set of diamond earrings; and collections of natural pearl necklaces, brooches made of various precious stones, diamond stones ranging from ‧ carats to ‧ carats, gold handbags, and jewellery inherited from the claimant's grandfather, which included two gold wedding sets and numerous gold belts, bracelets, anklets, earrings and rings 估价物品包括 ‧ 套珠宝,每一套包括一条项链、手镯、戒指和耳环,由钻石、蓝宝石、翡翠、绿宝石、红宝石和/或珍珠制作 ‧ 顶由钻石、红宝石、翡翠和/或其他宝石制作的 金 王冠 ‧ 个镶有钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石或翡翠的戒指,一个 ‧ 克拉单颗钻石的戒指,以及一个 ‧ 克拉卵形钻石戒指;一套钻石耳环;天然珍珠项链、各种宝石制作的胸针、 ‧ 克拉到 ‧ 克拉的钻石、 金 手袋藏品、以及索赔人从祖父继承的珠宝,包括 ‧ 套结婚 金 首饰和无数金条、手镯、脚镯、耳环和戒...
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