

I Surged Forward

Kick off again, and this time, it was Maya and I in the centre of the pitch. She quickly passed to me, and I was off. I'd spotted the opening, right between Kristen and Fallon. The space between them meant that I could slip through – if I was fast enough so that the two wouldn't be able to be there in time to tackle me. I was counting on my own speed and Kris and Fallon's reaction times. Adrenalin pumped through me, filling me up so that any doubt that I had left in me was quelled, and all there was left was the ball between my feet. I surged forward, running, risking it all. Maya was right behind me, coming up on my right, but far enough away that Fallon was conflicted on where to go – she could go and mark Maya, or she could come after me like Kristen was. I had a moment of indecision, all based on Fallon's decision. When she chose in that moment to head towards me, I dribbled the ball, left around Kristen and passed it long to Maya. She winked and grinned before surging forward and aimed for the goal. The ball went in, hitting the back of the net.
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