- There are ways to move it, but you must create your volumes in the same availability
as your server.解释:有很多方法可以移动它们,但是你必须在同一可用性区域中创建您的卷作为服务器。 - After you
in to a picture, you can use a simple swiping motion with your mouse or finger to move to the next picture.解释:在你放大一张照片之后,你可以用鼠标或者手指做一个简单的翻页手势就可以移到下一张图片了。
Z 开头的计算机英语(6 个)
返回常用计算机英语单词 / 词组 | 释义 | 音标 |
zero stock | 零库存 | [ˈzɪərəʊ stɒk] |
zero access | 立即存取 | [ˈzɪərəʊ ˈækses] |
zero complement | 补码 | [ˈzɪərəʊ ˈkɒmplɪment] |
zero suppression | 消零 | [ˈzɪərəʊ səˈpreʃn] |
zone | 区域 | [zəʊn] |
zoom | 缩放 | [zuːm] |